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Tech Productivity

Issue #9  (Sustainable Software Development) 04/15/19

If you're trying to learn a foreign language, this life hack on Reddit has a really neat tip that shows you how to use Google Sheets to tap into Google Translate.

Google Translate in Google Sheets

It uses the GOOGLETRANSLATE() function, which accepts three parameters: Source Text, Source Language, and Target Language, any of which can be a cell reference in sheets. For example:


You'll have to know the two-letter codes of the languages used, which are just an online search away. Definitely a neat tip that is well-deserving of its 80k+ karma and fake internet gold. And I should point out, based on the GIF/Video, that the original tip seems to come from Jake Miller.

Now on to this week's hand-picked productivity links!

Tools & Apps

Maildown - Say goodbye to WYSIWYG email editors. Accelerate your email campaigns using Markdown syntax.

Abstract - One place to version, manage, and collaborate on your Sketch files.

Milanote - An easy-to-use tool to organize your ideas and projects into visual boards.

Work at a Startup - Y Combinator's platform/service to make it easy for engineers to find the right YC company to join.

Articles & Resources

There Are No Snow Days When You Work Remote - Jennifer Wadella's guide to deciding if you're in the right place to start working remote and how to survive the change and implement rules to help you be successful.

Why Your Brain Hates Slowpokes - According to Chelsea Wald, the high speed of society has jammed your internal clock.

Correctness: the paradigm for sustainable software development - A key thought in this: Do we spend obscene amounts of time maintaining software full of landmines because our industry is lucrative and it results in ongoing work?

251 Free Resources for Product Management - All the free resources and templates you need to get work done in one place.

Programmers and Musicians - Musicians have to practice in order to get better at their craft. Programmers should do the same.


Have a suggestion for a productivity-related tool, article, or other resource? Send me a direct message via X (@LouisLazaris) and I’ll consider including it in a future issue.

Stay productive!


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