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Tech Productivity

Issue #82  (Does Team Chemistry Exist?) 09/07/20

Books covering various aspects of productivity are quite popular. I've started putting together a list of productivity-related books that have strong ratings on Amazon, which you can check out on this newsletter's Recommended Reading page.

Here are some select examples:

Books on startups and tech

If you know of another book that you've found useful in helping you to become more productive, feel free to reply to this email and let me know and I'll consider including it on the list.

Now on to this week's hand-picked productivity links!

Tools & Apps

Space - From JetBrains, an integrated team environment to cover your collaboration and development processes. - A time zone viewer that lets you be mindful of when the members of your remote team are available.

GGather - A bookmark manager with the right mix of features and intuitive user experience to save and organize things you find and easily rediscover them later.

ActivityWatch - Open source, privacy-first, cross-platform app that automatically tracks how you spend time on your devices.

Shift-Ctrl-F - Chrome extension that lets you do a natural language search on web pages (powered by MobileBERT fine-tuned on SQuAD via TensorFlowJS).

Articles & Resources

My Devlearn Flow - Some advice from one young developer on how he grows in becoming a more efficient developer.

Why Success Won't Make You Happy - A truth that more people need to accept, that pursuing achievement distracts from things that actually make life meaningful.

Does Team Chemistry Actually Exist? - There are some conflicting views on whether it's a real thing, especially among sports personalities.

How To Stop Procrastinating By Using the Fogg Behavior Model - B.J. Fogg is a Stanford professor who came up with a simple model of behavior that helps us understand why we take action or not at any given moment.

Keep Your Purpose in Mind to Keep Your Break on Track - How do you take a rest without allowing a 3-minute stretch to turn into a half an hour of puttering?


Have a suggestion for a productivity-related tool, article, or other resource? Send me a direct message via X (@LouisLazaris) and I’ll consider including it in a future issue.

Stay productive!


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