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Tech Productivity

Issue #62  (The Power of Spaced Repetition) 04/20/20

If you do a lot of e-reading across different platforms, you might be interested in this Hacker News thread where a reader asks about users' workflow when it comes to EPUB and PDF reading.

Some of the top suggestions include:

  • Upload your EPUBs to Google Play Books, which syncs your reading progress, notes, etc. across all platforms.
  • An app called Polar
  • An electronic tablet that feels like paper, called reMarkable. I'd never heard of this before, but it looks very cool.
reMarkable Tablet
The reMarkable tablet aims to replace your paper notes and printed docs.

There are lots of other suggestions and tips in the thread, including some that don't involve any apps or advanced technology. It's worth a scan if e-reading is part of your regular routine.

Now on to this week's hand-picked productivity links!

Tools & Apps

Things - An award-winning personal task manager that helps you achieve your goals.

Zipcall - Free browser based video calling for everyone. Simple, Secure, and Fast. Peer to peer video calling provides quality and latency simply not available with traditional technology.

Grain - Record and share the best parts of your Zoom video calls. Take notes together, create video highlights, share clips anywhere.

Service Station - Mac app to customize your right-click menu. Set up Rules for different sets of file types. Show custom menus depending on which types of files and folders you right-clicked.

Rewind - Chrome extension to explore your bookmarks more effectively via date filtering.

Real-Time Chat at Your Fingertips - Stream Chat offers a variety of SDKs and pre-built components to help integrate real-time chat and messaging into your application in as little as a couple of days. Sign up now for a free 28-day trial – no credit card required.   promoted  

Articles & Resources

Hours - Description of a productivity technique called 'hours' that involves partnering up with someone not directly associated with your work.

The Power of Spaced Repetition - In a sea of unproven strategies, spaced repetition is the strongest evidence-based learning technique.

4 Tips For Keeping Remote Dev Teams Motivated - Along with the tips, this piece starts with some statistics on the effectiveness and prevalence of remote work.

Why You Procrastinate (It Has Nothing to Do With Self-Control) - According to one professor of psychology, people engage in chronic procrastination because of an inability to manage negative moods around a task.

A Distributed Meeting Primer - Some suggestions to facilitate better communication in meetings that involve remote parties.


Have a suggestion for a productivity-related tool, article, or other resource? Send me a direct message via X (@LouisLazaris) and I’ll consider including it in a future issue.

Stay productive!


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