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Tech Productivity

Issue #6  (Technical Debt Is Like Tetris) 03/25/19

This Google Developers article has a neat little DevTools tip that I didn't know about: A way to track which element on the page currently has focus, for accessibility testing.

When you open Chrome's DevTools, at the top of the Console tab there's a button that looks like an eye called "Create live expression". In that box, just type document.activeElement (which is a DOM feature that allows you to track witch element is currently focused), then navigate around the page.

DevTools Create Live Expression

As you click different things on the page, you'll see the DOM element reference will change. More details on this can be found in the aforementioned article.

Now on to this week's hand-picked productivity links!

Tools & Apps

My Cognitive Bias - Chrome extension. Get a random cognitive bias definition every time you open a new tab.

Push - A service on the web and app on your phone that acts as a gateway for the notifications that matter to you, allowing you to create custom notifications.

Coda - A new doc that grows with your ideas. Coda docs can do everything from launching products, to scaling small businesses, to helping you study for tests.

Firefox Send - Lets you share files with end-to-end encryption and a link that automatically expires. Keep what you share private and make sure your stuff doesn’t stay online forever.

Hello, Goodbye - Chrome or Firefox extension. Blocks chat or helpdesk popups that so often appear on websites nowadays.

Articles & Resources

project-checklist - A checklist of things to do before releasing your project.

Americans Are Going Bankrupt From Getting Sick - Atlantic article talking about the fact that doctors’ bills play a role in 60 percent of personal-bankruptcy filings in the U.S.

Why entrepreneurs are leaving the Bay Area for their next startup - Main reason: cost of labor and housing, but non-SF startups might not be as capable of scaling a fast-growing company.

Technical Debt Is Like Tetris - Sounds like a bad thing on the surface, but the point here is that it's good to fix as much as possible.

The Downsides of Freelancing - An attempt at a more realistic view of going solo.


Have a suggestion for a productivity-related tool, article, or other resource? Send me a direct message via X (@LouisLazaris) and I’ll consider including it in a future issue.

Stay productive!


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