Issue #49 (Work-life Boundary Erosion) 01/20/20
Are companies right to erode the work-life boundary by adding "fun" stuff to a workplace like exercise machines, ping-pong, fuseball, etc.? Often these things are added under the expectation that "you're one of us now", where the 50+ hour work week becomes the norm and work is the new "family" (Michael Scott anyone?).
Does the company ping-pong table erode work-life boundaries?
This Twitter thread covers some of this subject matter. I'm not in agreement with everything said there, but I'm definitely on the side of thinking that work needs to have its boundaries and people need to have a life outside of work. In the words of George Costanza,
worlds collide. Sometimes that's a good thing, but often it's at the expense of time with family, time for non-work leisure, and so forth.
I don't think there's a perfect answer to this problem, but I think balance is the key, as is the case with many things. Work is work. Life is life. Those two things aren't necessarily one and the same.
Now on to this week's hand-picked productivity links!