Issue #39 (The Five Hour Workday) 11/11/19
A user on Hacker News asks How did you build up your personal knowledge base? Interesting question. I generally do this through the various ways I write about my field (front-end web development). So in a way my ten years of blogging, authoring books, editing books and articles, and writing newsletter content is my personal knowledge base (though far from complete). I can't tell you how many times I've Googled to find one of my own articles!
Many of the suggestions in the thread revolve around GitHub-based knowledge repos and apps that seem a little tough to get started with.
One of this week's featured tools, Brainio (see links below)
But many readers expressed that it's just through basic osmosis that they retain stuff and access it mentally, rather than using an actual digital repo of information. Interesting to read the replies as well as many of the wide variety of tools available for this sort of thing. In fact, this week's tools list (below) includes a link to one that might help in this regard.
Now on to this week's hand-picked productivity links!