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Tech Productivity

Issue #38  (The Speed Reading Fallacy) 11/04/19

Before today's brief roundup of tools and articles, just a few ways you can support this newsletter:

  • If you're a front-end or full-stack developer, you might like to subscribe to my other newsletter Web Tools Weekly
  • I write a lot about JavaScript and the DOM and I've published tons of quick tips in an E-Book collection you can buy on Leanpub.
My JS/DOM E-Books Collection
My JavaScript/DOM e-book collection
And if you happen to have a tool or article you'd like to share, feel free to reply to this email and I'll consider it for a future issue of one of my two newsletters.

Now on to this week's hand-picked productivity links!

Tools & Apps

Leadup - Slack app that helps you manage your team by keeping track of what you need to discuss and briefing you before your one-on-ones so you're always prepared.

Now Todo - iOS app. A todo list designed for focus and mindfulness.

Chopstix - A collaboration tool that enables your team to prioritize tasks, products or features using the RICE model (reach, impact, confidence, effort).

Re:plain - The first and the simplest live chat in your messenger. Messages from your website come directly to your Facebook Messenger or Telegram and back.

Articles & Resources

Why Your Brain Needs Idle Time - Research suggests that brain rest can have positive effects.

The speed reading fallacy: the case for slow reading - As I mentioned a few weeks back, speed reading is good for quick overviews, but slow reading has its place for comprehension.

Remote life: What’s it all about? - Jennifer Aldrich discusses how working remotely for a fully-distributed company compares to traditional office life.

What you need to know before you join a start-up - Some pros and cons of joining a company that you'd have a stake in.

Weekend ‘catch-up sleep’ is a lie - The negative health effects of skimping on sleep during the week can’t be reversed by marathon weekend sleep sessions, according to one study.


Have a suggestion for a productivity-related tool, article, or other resource? Send me a direct message via X (@LouisLazaris) and I’ll consider including it in a future issue.

Stay productive!


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