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Tech Productivity

Issue #37  (Sorry, We Can't Join Your Slack) 10/28/19

One of the articles in the roundup below is called "Sorry, we can't join your Slack", by Michael Bernstein (link below). He makes some great arguments for not joining a client's Slack but there's one point that he didn't mention.

Slack feels very "live", unlike email and even Trello where wait times are somewhat expected. So I think another factor in why you wouldn't want clients to have easy access to you on Slack is how they might respond if they send you a message that goes unanswered for a few days, or longer.

Setting your status in Slack
Setting your status in Slack
The green "I'm online" indicator is pretty obvious. And although you can change your "status", it's going to be difficult to explain why you didn't respond within 24-48 hours and this could in turn affect how your clients view you.

I think each case is different, but it's another to think about in addition to the points made in the article.

Now on to this week's hand-picked productivity links!

Tools & Apps

Universal Résumé Template - Minimal and formal résumé (CV) website template for print, mobile, and desktop.

DownThemAll - Chrome, Firefox, and Opera download manager with advanced functionality to queue, pause, and resume downloads, plus ability to download links and images of a web page with filters applied.

Fancy Zones - PowerToys utility for Windows. A window manager designed to make it easy to arrange and snap windows into efficient layouts.

Twist - A distraction-free teamwork app where conversations stay organized and on-topic and where information is easy to find, forever.

Articles & Resources

You Don’t Have A Time Management Problem — You Just Think You Do - Josh Spector talks about what he's learned time management while maintaining his newsletter.

Productivity and Promises - Brief article on how how productivity and moral character are not necessarily intertwined.

How to Keep Up with Deadlines - Might be some obvious advice here, but sometimes the most obvious suggestions are what can help us most.

Status meetings are the scourge - 2016 article that makes the case that eliminating status meetings will help you team know more, save a pile of money, and regain dozens of hours a month.

Sorry, we can't join your Slack - If you have clients who have asked you to join their Slack, for supposed improved relations and support, this article might help you decide if you want to do it.


Have a suggestion for a productivity-related tool, article, or other resource? Send me a direct message via X (@LouisLazaris) and I’ll consider including it in a future issue.

Stay productive!


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