Issue #37 (Sorry, We Can't Join Your Slack) 10/28/19
One of the articles in the roundup below is called "Sorry, we can't join your Slack", by Michael Bernstein (link below). He makes some great arguments for not joining a client's Slack but there's one point that he didn't mention.
Slack feels very "live", unlike email and even Trello where wait times are somewhat expected. So I think another factor in why you wouldn't want clients to have easy access to you on Slack is how they might respond if they send you a message that goes unanswered for a few days, or longer.
Setting your status in Slack
The green "I'm online" indicator is pretty obvious. And although you can change your "status", it's going to be difficult to explain why you didn't respond within 24-48 hours and this could in turn affect how your clients view you.
I think each case is different, but it's another to think about in addition to the points made in the article.
Now on to this week's hand-picked productivity links!