Issue #31 (Two Computer Logins for Productivity) 09/16/19
Here's a productivity tip from a Reddit user that you might find works for you:
"Create two users on your computer – one for normal use and leisure – one for business/work only. I have nothing except the essentials logged in on my work user. Not even Messages or YouTube. It completely revolutionized my productivity."
Would a "personal things only" login work for you?
Personally, I'm not a big believer in cutting things out like that. I think it's good to train yourself to exercise self-control and teach yourself not to be distracted by notifications or logged in apps. I also think there's some value in taking a mental break to do something else at times.
But that doesn't work for everyone, so maybe the above tip is a better solution for you in your current situation.
Now on to this week's hand-picked productivity links!