I'm not someone who recommends chasing side hustles in addition to working a full-time job. I think we all need a good work-life balance and especially if we have a family to take care of, spending all our down time on side projects can create a lot of unnecessary stress.
But I know many of you will still pursue stuff on the side, so it's good to hear how others have managed their time under similar circumstances. To that end, I thought you'd enjoy this video from last year by Jeff Su, a Product Marketer with Google:
How I Manage My Time – 8 Tips that Changed My Life.
The video isn't very long, at about 10 minutes, and you can jump to any of the tips using the chapter divisions. One in particular caught my attention that's called the "Anti-McDonald's Habit". This is a reference to a habit encouraged by another popular productivity YouTuber and it basically boils down to 'use any down time to be productive' (including, for example, waiting inside McDonald's for a friend).
But Jeff has a somewhat opposing view where he only encourages this when the task is something that's not high-intensity. He quotes Andrew Huberman, who says:
"99% of people need a 2-5 minute transition period between tasks for optimal performance."
Thus, the "McDonald's Habit" only applies if the work can comfortably fit in the short window that this habit enables.
There are lots of other good suggestions so be sure to check out the full video for all the brief but practical tips.
Now on to this week's hand-picked productivity links!