Notion Boost — A Chrome and Firefox extension to make Notion more productive using 20+ customizations like sticky outline, small text/full width by default, scroll to top button, hide slash command menu, and more. — An open-source solution that provides a portable software solution for Windows and Mac that allows you to take your favorite software with you.
Etherpad — A native app for Windows, Mac, and Linux that is a highly customizable open source online editor, a Google docs alternative, that provides true real-time collaborative editing.
Gold Hits New Peak as the Fed Cut Rates — Experts predict that a recent bullish trend for spot gold that peaked at 2,687 per troy ounce may continue, so it may be smart to get in now before prices keep climbing.
Loop Habit Tracker — A mobile habit tracker for Android that features daily reminders, beautiful charts, and insightful statistics to maintain good long-term habits.
Sublime — An app to save anything including links, highlights, notes, articles, books, podcasts, videos, images, PDFs, using cards and collections in a simple and attractive interface.
ReviewMeta — Copy and paste an Amazon product link and this tool will analyze the product reviews to filters out the reviews that the algorithm detects may be unnatural.