If you're a one-person company and are having trouble keeping up with things, you might find some good advice on a Hacker News thread where a user asks:
One-person companies—how do you manage it all and stay sane?
I'm more or less in this boat, although I do have help from my wife who does my accounting and bookkeeping, so that's a huge bonus. But overall, I work for myself running three different newsletters and do some other related work on the side. I've gotten to the point where I can no longer really expand much aside from the basic growth of more traffic, subscribers, etc.
There are lots of excellent suggestions in the thread, everything from basic concepts like keeping realistic expectations to more specific suggestions like time profiling.
One good suggestion is related to spending money:
"Don't nickel and dime yourself on tools that save you time. If there's a SaaS offering that can reduce your workload, just pay for it (unless it's a truly ridiculous amount). Every so often there's a post on HN where a someone lists their income and expenses and the comments are always full of things like 'why are you paying $100/year for Notion when you can just use org-mode for free?' Don't listen to them. Your time is worth more than any reasonable subscription fee."
This is good advice. For my business, there are things I spend money on that I probably don't have to, but because they save me time, they are beneficial in the long run. Just one thing to consider in a good thread of tips.
Now on to this week's hand-picked productivity links!