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Tech Productivity

Issue #282  (The AI Skill That Pays $100k/yr) 07/08/24


Tools From the Internet You Never Knew Existed
A retro 90s design system, a telegram bot that tracks your diet, an app named "OH, a potato!" and an Apple notes website generator. What do these all have in common? They are insanely cool tools.

Insanely Cool Tools

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What would you rather do for work: a job that pays well but doesn't make you happy? Or a job that satisfies you but doesn't pay all that well? The answer to this isn't always straightforward since a person's financial obligations will dictate this in a lot of cases.

If you're interested in this subject, you'll want to check out a Hacker News thread where a reader asks: Tell me your stories of taking lower paid work to be happier.
A laptop closing

Some interesting choices that readers have made include:

  • Leaving a job in electronic warfare
  • Switching from the software industry to a factory job
  • Changing from 5 days per week to 3 days per week
  • Leaving a well-paying finance industry job for a small government agency
There are a number of other interesting answers, many that aren't too specific but are more or less focused on the environment that was left behind.

One particular answer sums up how many feel when making such a change:
"When I started my career I worked in an intense role for two years. So intense that I quickly realized such intensity was not sustainable, and I immediately pivoted into a role that I knew I could do with my eyes closed. It's felt like I don't have a job for the past decade. In those ten years I've barely felt any stress, have read hundreds of books, mastered several hobbies, and started a family. Would I trade that for more money? I'll let you guess."
Be sure to check out the rest of the thread. There's certainly lots of inspirational comments in there for those considering sacrificing pay for a less stressful and toxic environment.

Now on to this week's hand-picked productivity links!


Tools & Apps

Nobinge — An AI-powered tool that allows you to chat with and get summaries of YouTube videos, with option to select level of summarization (short, balanced, or extensive).

focusedOS — A Mac or iOS app that allows you to quickly hide all distractions to allow you to focus and do deep work.

Insanely Cool Tools — The Insanely Cool Tools newsletter brings you the coolest tiny tools from around the internet, curated with founders (and amusement) in mind.    sponsor  

Baserow — An open-source alternative to Airtable, to create scalable databases and internal apps without coding.

KeepWeek — A cloud-based customer, business, human resources, and project management platform built for entrepreneurs.

Add to Sheets — A Chrome extension that lets you add content from anywhere on the web to a Google Sheets spreadsheet, to help save hours of manual copying and pasting.

Timeframe — A productivity-focused calendar app that includes todos, global scheduling, a Pomodoro timer, focus time blocks, and more.

Articles & Resources

What Months of Failing in My Habits Taught Me — Some interesting thoughts here that many of us can likely relate to, since failing is pretty common when trying to reach goals.

This AI Skill Pays Over $100,000 a Year and is in ‘Crazy Demand’ — This is according to an IBM executive, and the skill in question here is Prompt Engineering.

You Should Keep a Developer’s Journal — A good suggestion that can help in different types of tech roles, allowing you to define the problem you’re solving and record what you tried and what worked.

The Morning Paper for Tech — Want a byte-sized version of Hacker News that takes just a few minutes to read? Try TLDR's free daily newsletter. It covers the most interesting tech, startup, & programming stories in just 5 minutes.    sponsor  

The Sound of Silence: How the Absence of Noise Affects Your Decisions — "Through decades of research on noise, scientists have discovered that excessive noise competes with our ability to think clearly, while silence can improve our decision-making processes and might even keep us in good health."

Cannot Measure Productivity — This is from way back in 2003 (!) if you can believe that, but not surprising that this topic has been discussed for as far back as many of us can remember.

All 41 Companies that Recently Tried Out a Four-Day Work Week Made it Permanent — A Toronto-based CEO has coordinated 4-day workweek pilot programs in the U.K., Australia, New Zealand, and North America, leading to all the companies reducing their schedules permanently.


Have a suggestion for a productivity-related tool, article, or other resource? Send me a direct message via X (@LouisLazaris) and I’ll consider including it in a future issue.

Stay productive!


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