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Tech Productivity

Issue #280  (How Actors Remember Their Lines) 06/24/24


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An interesting article that seemed worth a special mention in this week's intro is called How Actors Remember Their Lines. It's an excerpt from a book called Memory and Movies: What Films Can Teach Us about Memory.

The main point is summarized early in the article as follows:
"Actors face the demanding task of learning their lines with great precision, but they rarely do so by rote repetition. They did not, they said, sit down with a script and recite their lines until they knew them by heart. Repeating items over and over, called maintenance rehearsal, is not the most effective strategy for remembering. Instead, actors engage in elaborative rehearsal, focusing their attention on the meaning of the material and associating it with information they already know."

This is important to understand for anyone attempting to improve their retention of information, no matter the context. It seems like an obvious solution to improving memory, but it's certainly easier said than done.
A Theater Production with Audience

For example how do you treat technical info the same way actors look at characters in a play? How do you absorb yourself more deeply in financial information or stuff you normally see in pie charts and graphs?

My wife always gets on me for remembering details of a baseball game that happened 9 years ago but I can't remember which one of our friends just went on vacation to Hawaii! Again, we remember what we absorb ourselves in, which is the overall point of how actors do it.

The article is certainly worth a read and if you want to delve further into the subject, you might want to check out the book as well.

Now on to this week's hand-picked productivity links!


Tools & Apps

Agenda — An award-winning Mac app that seamlessly integrates calendar events into your note taking so you can gain control over your day-to-day tasks and planning.

Commabot — A CSV editor that allows you to view, edit, and interpret CSV files with the help of an AI-powered assistant.

Summate — Overwhelmed by a ton of unread newsletters? This AI tool saves 10 hours each week on average – it creates a beautiful daily digest with summaries of your newsletters. You then read only what actually matters. Try for free today.    sponsor  

PopAi — An AI-powered workspace that includes tools to chat with uploaded documents, search engine integration, PowerPoint generation, and more.

Inbox Airlock — A Gmail plugin that declutters your Gmail inbox by holding unimportant emails under a special label, which you can check at your own pace.

Bookmarks to Notion — A Chrome extension for Notion that allows you to sync browser bookmarks with a Notion database, so you can centralize your bookmarks.

Thinker — A simple tool to organize your ideas and projects on a virtual whiteboard and track their progress with a kanban board, with support for Markdown.

Articles & Resources

Perfectionism is Optimizing at the Wrong Scale — A short read on the importance of tolerating imperfections that might help contribute to the greater good of a particular task, endeavor, project, etc.

The Science of Mental Models — A deep dive into mental models and how they relate to what we know about reasoning ability, problem solving, why reasoning often fails, and more.

31 Lessons I’ve Learned About Money — Lots of great insights here, including my favourite: "If it’s a problem that can be solved by money, you don’t have a problem."

The Morning Paper for Tech — Want a byte-sized version of Hacker News that takes just a few minutes to read? Try TLDR's free daily newsletter. It covers the most interesting tech, startup, & programming stories in just 5 minutes.    sponsor  

The Achievement Society is Burning Us Out, We Need More Play — The author believes we are underpaid, insecure, and burned out, and this is due to the prevalence of a capitalistic, achievement-driven society.

Why Writing by Hand Beats Typing for Thinking and Learning — A look at how both kids and adults fare when using a screen vs. writing stuff out and the overall known science behind why writing is superior.

How to Cut 20% Off Your Calendar — If you want to break free from a force-based method of work by using something called a "Visit", coined by the author, which is also summarized in an accompanying YouTube video.


Have a suggestion for a productivity-related tool, article, or other resource? Send me a direct message via X (@LouisLazaris) and I’ll consider including it in a future issue.

Stay productive!


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