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Tech Productivity

Issue #279  (Managing Motivation as a Solo Developer) 06/17/24

The following is a paid product review for Pagico, a task, data, and project management platform with a clean UI, designed for busy professionals.

If you've been subscribed to this newsletter for some time now, you're aware that there are quite a few options available when it comes to productivity tools. Whether it's todo apps, task managers, time tracking – whatever problem there is, you can be sure someone's trying to solve it with a UI.

This week I'm happy to feature Pagico, a native cross-platform app that aims to ease the burden of multiple productivity apps by combining tasks, notes, docs, projects, clients, and more – all in a single, clean interface.
Pagico across different devices

After you download and install Pagico, there's no need to configure anything or work with any complex build systems. Everything is right there ready for you to begin. In the left sidebar, you'll see options for Dashboard, Projects, Contacts, and Teams.

The Projects section is powerful and customizable. Let's use an example project so you can see how easy it is to use Pagico. Let's say I'm speaking at a conference and I need to prepare a talk on new CSS features for 2024.

I'll choose "New Project" from the Projects view or I can use the little dropdown next to the "New Task" button at the top of the left sidebar.

Starting a new project with Pagico

Starting a new project with Pagico

I add a name for my Project, after which I can add a custom icon, cover image, and project description. These help me personalize the project, but they aren't mandatory. I can also add tags to make the project easier to find. This will be a big help when I've got lots of stuff on the go in Pagico.

With those basic settings in place, I can start adding my action items. In this case it would be appropriate to create a list of to-do items before I get into the meat of actually writing the talk and creating slides.
Creating a new project with action items in Pagico

Creating a new project with action items in Pagico

While entering my to-do list, I have the option to enter a date in the text for each action item and Pagico will automatically assign that date to the item. I can also add sub-tasks to any item using the keyboard shortcut CMD-], if desired.

A single project might be something that I repeat. For example, maybe I give multiple tech talks every year, all with a similar set of action items. I can save a project as a template to use for all future conference talk projects.
Saving a Project as a Template in Pagico

Saving a Project as a template in Pagico

As you I new projects in Pagico, my dashboard will fill up, my projects view will have info on stuff I'm currently working on, and I can see what needs to be addressed right away by clicking on the "Today" view in the top right corner of the Pagico interface. This is especially useful if I want a more 'minimalist' view of what's currently going on.

What I've discussed above so far, is just a fraction of what's possible with Pagico.  The Projects view is certainly one of the most common features you'll want to be familiar with. There's lots more I could cover, but here's a bullet list of features and things you'll want to check out on your own:
  • You can sync your data and tasks across devices by signing in to your Pagico account on multiple devices and enabling "Personal Cloud" in settings. Pagico is available on iOS and Android for mobile access.
  • You can turn your task lists into pipeline views, to help visualize the progress of a particular project or set of action items.
  • Pagico allows you to add notes, files (e.g. design assets), widgets, maps, and other materials directly to any project, allowing you to keep all data associated with a project in a single place.
  • All data you add to Pagico is stored locally on your device, so there's no server lag. If you enable data sync across devices, this is done via Pagico Cloud, but you'll always have fast and easy access to your data, with or without access to internet.
  • You can customize the Pagico UI by choosing either dark mode or light mode along with a custom accent color, and you can also customize font style and font size.
  • Pagico for Teams allows you to invite team members to a workspace that features multiple projects, shared data, real-time chat, assigned tasks, and lots more.
  • For an excellent overview of Pagico's features, some of which I've touched on here, check out this video on the Pagico YouTube channel.
Overall, I'm pretty impressed with Pagico. It packs a ton of features into a relatively small interface without being too overwhelming. It does take some time to get accustomed to how each main section of the app works, but I can see how Pagico would be valuable to someone working on different projects that have distinct sets of data assets, timelines, etc.

You can download and try out Pagico free for 15 days, which should be plenty of time to get familiar with its primary features and start to get familiar with the guts of the system. Check out all the pricing options here.

Now on to this week's hand-picked productivity links!


Tools & Apps

Martin — A personal AI "butler" that you can text, email, or talk to. It gets to know you and proactively finds ways to help and integrates with your calendar, email, search, and more.

Voxweave — An AI-powered tool that condenses extensive YouTube content into concise 1-minute insights and mind maps and it allows you to read, save, and share your summarized videos.

The Morning Paper for Tech — Want a byte-sized version of Hacker News that takes just a few minutes to read? Try TLDR's free daily newsletter. It covers the most interesting tech, startup, and programming stories in just 5 minutes.   sponsor  

Ice — A powerful menu bar management tool for Mac to easily hide and show menu bar items and includes additional secondary features like show on hover, show on scroll or swipe, etc.

Loop — An alternative to Notion by Microsoft, offering an AI-powered workspace to allow teams to think, plan, and create together.

FlowCV — A job-seekers platform that includes an AI-powered résumé builder, cover letter templates, email signature creator, and more.

Zenvoice — A service that allows you to let your customers generate, edit, and download Stripe invoices to help avoid Stripe's invoicing fees.

Articles & Resources

Managing My Motivation, as a Solo Dev — Programmer Marcus Buffet has been keeping a journal entry about how to 'hack his motivation', what works and what doesn’t, which he expounds on here.

Turn Your iPhone Into a Dumb Phone — If your iPhone has become a pain point when it comes to resistance to your productivity, these apps and settings might help you overcome the problem.

The Best New App for Newsletter Reading — Reading newsletters in the inbox is frustrating – it's noisy and easy to lose control of subscriptions. You can enjoy your newsletters outside the inbox with Meco, an app built for reading.    sponsor  

A Useful Productivity Measure? — There have been numerous articles over the years suggesting it's not possible to measure productivity. Here James Shore, an Agile software development consultant, tries to counter that.

How CEOs Manage Time — From 2018, an article summarizing the findings of a study that spanned 14 years and 60,000 hours’ worth of data on 27 executives.

The Case for Friction — An excellent reminder that, just like physical exercise, working around or avoiding sources of friction might be detrimental to our overall growth.

Has Remote Work Changed How People Travel in the U.S.? — According to a new study led by MIT researchers, people's transportation habits include sustained pattern changes with a lot of regional variation.


Have a suggestion for a productivity-related tool, article, or other resource? Send me a direct message via X (@LouisLazaris) and I’ll consider including it in a future issue.

Stay productive!


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