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Tech Productivity

Issue #276  (A Personal Security Checklist) 05/27/24


NativePath Collagen
So… what exactly does collagen do, again? This nutrient is Insta-trending for a reason – it’s essential for healthy skin, joints, and bones. The big bummer: many collagen supplements are made with artificial ingredients and (gross) animal byproducts.

NativePath Collagen

NativePath has a different approach. NativePath collagen is certified grass-fed and pure, and sourced from 100% happy, healthy cows… so you can put nutrients into a happy, healthy human.

It provides Types 1 and 3 collagen – more than 90% of your body’s needs. Plus, it’s tasty and provides 20 grams of protein, so you’ll get lots of energy to boot. Find out more about the many benefits of NativePath’s collagen powder on their website!

Get Yours Today →

A few months back on Hacker News a reader asked: How do you learn and research every day?

I definitely this is more of a challenge nowadays with the advent of new technologies and devices. It's far too easy to be distracted by short-form content and avoid deeper learning, unless it's really required (e.g. for school or something).
Person Reading

I thought the top comment in the thread has some good advice. It reads, in part:

"...whenever I want/need to learn about something new, I'm more disciplined and devise an 'essential reading list' as a first step. To do this, I'll perform a basic Google search for the topic, check a Wikipedia article, or search for the topic on a publisher's website ... I try to read for at least 45 minutes each day and I take notes on the books I read. From there I move on to the more advanced stuff."

That's a well-thought out response that, if followed, requires some discipline. But a funny and honest comment comes in second place:
"I procrastinate and sometimes I learn stuff while I'm procrastinating."

This might be the most realistic answer because it describes a sort of 'accidental' learning. Simply because we are delaying doing what we should, we end up researching something unrelated. Again, I suppose that's the nature of the technologically-driven world we now live in!

Now on to this week's hand-picked productivity links!


Tools & Apps

FoxTrot Search —  A professional-grade document search solution for macOS that finds hidden gems in terabytes of PDF, word processing, email, presentations, and 300+ document types and their metadata.

Glance — A self-hosted dashboard that puts all your feeds in one place, including RSS feeds, Subreddit posts, weather, bookmarks, YouTube videos from specific channels, stocks, GitHub releases, and lots more.

SaveDay — A knowledge base app for Mac, Android, and the browser (Chrome), to help you capture, organize, and utilize your knowledge, with AI features, highlighting, a bookmarks manager, and more.

Investing in the Next Household Name — RYSE has just launched in 100+ Best Buy stores, and you're in luck. You can still invest at only $1.50/share before their name becomes known nationwide. They’ve patented the only mass market shade automation device and their exclusive Best Buy deal resembles that which led to other past billion-dollar buyouts like Ring and Nest.    sponsor  

HedgeDoc — An open-source, web-based, self-hosted, collaborative markdown editor, that lets you easily collaborate on notes, graphs and presentations in real-time via a shareable link.

Wudpecker — An AI meeting assistant that takes your instructions and makes tailored notes for your Zoom, Google Meet, or Microsoft Teams meetings.

Reader Mode — A Chrome reading extension and web app that removes clutter, ads, and distractions, and includes dyslexia support, read-it-later, highlighter, annotation, text-to-speech, citation generator and more.

Articles & Resources

Personal Security Checklist — A comprehensive interactive guide to securing your digital life and protecting your privacy that enables you to "check" items as completed under a dozen different categories (auth, web browser, email, etc).

It is Just Work — A good reminder that, in the grand scheme of things, work is nothing but work, and while we should work hard, we shouldn't allow it to burn us out or otherwise affect our health.

The Complete Full-Stack JavaScript Course — Learn full-stack JavaScript development with over 24 hours of HD video tutorials covering React, Node.js, LoopBack, Redux, Material UI, and Socket programming.     sponsor  

Cognitive Bottlenecks: The Inherent Limits of the Thinking Mind"Cognitive bottlenecks limit how much information we can process at one time, how many tasks we can simultaneously focus on, and how many parameters we can consider while making a decision."

Multitasking Makes You Less Productive. Here are 4 Ways to Actually Get Work Done — According to psychologist Gerald Weinberg, multitasking actually can kill your productivity by up to 80%.

How to Use ChatGPT to Set Ambitious Goals — This is the first piece in a new series that shares actionable, tactical ways that some of the smartest people in technology are using ChatGPT and other AI tools.

This Morning Routine Helps Mark Cuban Stay Productive – It Involves Working From His Bed — The billionaire serial entrepreneur and investor wakes up between 6:30 and 7am and, without getting out of bed, spends an hour responding to emails.


Have a suggestion for a productivity-related tool, article, or other resource? Send me a direct message via X (@LouisLazaris) and I’ll consider including it in a future issue.

Stay productive!


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