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Tech Productivity

Issue #244  (Motivation vs. Discipline) 10/16/23

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It seems crazy that we're at the point where people today have a lot of difficulty being without their phones. Checking a phone literally hundreds of times per day and taking it to bed is more or less the norm.

In some cases, it's understandable. This is how people finish up their day and being aware of your most important notifications is, well, important.

But if you're looking for some inspiration in the form of practical advice on achieving digital minimalism, you might like this short video, which is an excerpt from Cal Newport's podcast: The Anxiety Generation Machine Of Phone Use Before Bed.
Justin Welsh on X on Growing a business Online

As mentioned, he provides some practical do-now type of tips that encourage specific actions.

But more importantly, he focuses on helping people understand the importance of developing a philosophy that will, as he puts it, repair our relationship with our devices. Once that's in place, the practical tips will be much more meaningful and effective.

Now on to this week's hand-picked productivity links!


Tools & Apps

Magicflow — An AI-based time-tracking app focused on deep work that provides real-time coaching from an AI assistant to help you be as productive as possible in your time management and flow sessions.

anytype — An everything app that includes features for a daily journal, knowledge base, study hub, trip planner, data vault, and more.

Command X — A Mac app that makes cutting and pasting files in Finder behave more like other platforms, allowing you to use CMD-X then CMD-V rather than CMD-C then OPT-CMD-V.

Say Goodbye to Endless Browsing — ...and hello to discovery made simple. Join our free product discovery newsletter and start your week with a curated collection of stunning designs and innovative creations.     sponsor  

Doria — An AI-powered ticket management plugin for Slack that lets you automate your employee support using conversational AI and workflows.

Scribal — A voice to notes app for recording thoughts, brainstorming, coming up with draft ideas, and more.

IOctopus — An online tool to create collaborative mind maps that includes plugins for translation, math formulas, tags, calendars, YouTube embeds, and more.

Articles & Resources

The Efficiency Mindset — The final words in this one are a nice conclusion: "I suspect that when productivity feels like a chore rather than an opportunity, it’s less because we’re intrinsically lazy and more because our environment makes us that way."

Motivation vs. Discipline: Which Helps You Go Further? — A deep dive that defines motivation and discipline, looks at the differences, and considers how you can use them to create building blocks for a better future.

Backlogging Integration Requests? — Building and maintaining B2B SaaS integrations can take months of dev. That's why 100+ B2B SaaS engineering teams rely on Paragon's SDK to offload 70% of the engineering on native integrations, so they can focus on their core product.    sponsor  

Actually, ‘Bed Rotting’ Can Be a Very Legit Form of Self-Care — Apparently this is a viral new term for what essentially amounts to resting or relaxing (i.e. not doing anything "productive").

Atomic Accountability — A crazy idea on how to get important things done on time. Not be for everyone but it is probably more effective than most methods!

Facing a Tedious To-Do List? This Trick Could Make it Easier — Based on a study that encourages something called the ‘easy addendum effect’, which is supposed to have a psychological effect on completing your tasks.

Feeling Unseen by Your Boss? Here’s What You Can Do — This is actually a few excerpts from TED's new podcast called Fixable, which is based on talking to guest callers about their workplace issues and problems.


Have a suggestion for a productivity-related tool, article, or other resource? Send me a direct message via X (@LouisLazaris) and I’ll consider including it in a future issue.

Stay productive!


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