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Tech Productivity

Issue #242  (You Need to Fail 16% of the Time) 10/02/23

Maximize Your Team with AI-Payroll for Free — Elevate team management with AI-Payroll. Zero costs, unlimited cycles in one system. Gain insights, offer perks, and ensure compliance effortlessly. Maximize your team's potential for free.

Empower My Team
I just came across a popular YouTube channel that many of you might already have seen called The Diary Of A CEO, which currently boasts nearly 3.5 million subscribers.

I'm sure there's tons of content on the channel that would be of interest to anyone looking to be more efficient and successful. The one video that caught my eye that I thought you'd like is Do You Want A Perfect Memory?, featuring brain coach and memory improvement expert Jim Kwik.
Do You Want A Perfect Memory?

This is longform video content covering more than 90 minutes but the table of contents in the description is your best friend here. You might want to skip to about 39:43 into the video, which is where the meat of the video's primary theme seems to be covered.

It does tend to sound a little click-bait-ish, but the comments seem to suggest the content is solid and not just the same superficial stuff you've heard before when it comes to things like memory, speed-reading, and so on.

Now on to this week's hand-picked productivity links!


Tools & Apps

Divity — A time tracking and scheduling tool that takes your tasks, meetings, and habits and creates the perfect schedule to save you time.

Bloks — An AI-based tool that works behind the scenes, capturing conversations, integrating contextual data, and generating briefs to help you get more out of meetings.

Maximize Your Team with AI-Payroll for Free — Elevate team management with AI-Payroll. Zero costs, unlimited cycles in one system. Gain insights, offer perks, and ensure compliance effortlessly. Maximize your team's potential for free.     sponsor  

recast — An iOS app, Chrome extension, or web app that turns your want-to-read articles into audio summaries.

Vani — An infinite canvas for your team to collaborate, brainstorm, and discuss ideas during meetings, catch-ups, and creative sessions.

Omnivore — A free, open-source, privacy-focused read-it-later app that lets you save articles, newsletters, and other documents in a distraction free environment.

Mailbutler — An email extension that adds useful features like tracking, signatures, templates, collaboration, and more to your Outlook, Gmail, or Apple Mail inbox.

Articles & Resources

To Be Successful, You Need to Fail 16% of the Time — A book excerpt that encourages inspiration from Einstein and Mozart, both of whom accepted that a certain degree of failure is necessary for continued productivity.

What Are Problem-Solving Skills? How to Master This Soft Skill at Work — This goes into detail on the general skill of problem solving by covering more specific things like open-mindedness, listening skills, creativity, and more, that fall under the problem solving umbrella.

Is Slow Productivity the Wave of the Future? — If you've heard the phrase "slow productivity", but maybe haven't delved into the concept, this article briefly introduces the subject and explains how it can be more beneficial than the usual 'sprints' expected from workers.

Bytes: Your Favourite JavaScript Newsletter — I subscribe to a lot of newsletters, but this is definitely one I look forward to. Entertaining with lots of cool and useful coding tidbits and tools.    sponsor  

7 Simple Habits of the Top 1% of Engineers — One engineer's observations on what are the unique overlapping skills of the most successful engineer's he's personally worked with, some of whom have gone on to do big things in the tech industry.

How to Sabotage Your Salary Negotiations Efforts Before You Even Start — A look at the two things you must avoid when talking to recruiters when starting a job search, why these will ruin salary talks, and what to say instead.

How to Take Better Breaks (and Actually Take Them) — We all need quality breaks and this is a solid list of practical suggestions for what we can do to improve our breaks and make our workdays better.


Have a suggestion for a productivity-related tool, article, or other resource? Send me a direct message via X (@LouisLazaris) and I’ll consider including it in a future issue.

Stay productive!


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