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Tech Productivity

Issue #215  (Improving Memory) 03/27/23

Meet the Tesla of Productivity Apps
Sunsama helps you create the daily planning routines and atomic habits that lead to working less each day while getting more done! Stay on track with your goals and prevent burnout. Pull in tasks from JIRA, GitHub, Email, and your other favorite tools to create one focused view for your work.

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We can likely all agree that one of the things that makes us more productive is improving memory. Being able to remember things helps you improve when doing research, when carrying out mundane tasks, when referring to previous meetings, and the list goes on. There are too many ways you benefit with improved memory so it's nice to see studies and science breakthroughs that aim to assist our memory improvements.

One such study is reported in the article Mushrooms magnify memory by boosting nerve growth. If you don't like mushrooms, then this will be a tough one but note that the study is specifically about something referred to as ‘lion’s mane’ mushrooms that have been used in traditional medicine in Asian countries for centuries.
Brain Function

Another study you might want to check out and which is a more technical breakdown is the one entitled Exploring the associations of daily movement behaviours and mid-life cognition: a compositional analysis of the 1970 British Cohort Study. That's a mouthful, but note the following concluding paragraph that sums up the findings nicely:

"The role [physical activity] plays in supporting cognition is of increasing interest given the rising prevalence of age-related cognitive decline. This analysis uses a robust compositional approach to implicate [moderate and vigorous physical activity] as a critical component of movement for supporting overall cognition, executive function and memory. Redistributing time from [moderate and vigorous physical activity] was estimated to be detrimental to all measured facets of cognition after as little as 6 min was replaced by other behaviours, highlighting the importance of bolstering [moderate and vigorous physical activity] to support cognition."

The mushroom thing might be a little trickier to do on a regular basis (and I'm sure there are other foods that improve memory) but the info about keeping up regular physical activity should be at the top of the list for all of you —  assuming it's within your physical abilities to do so.

Now on to this week's hand-picked productivity links!


Tools & Apps

Daily Place — A single place to focus on your daily tasks that includes a keyboard-friendly Pomodoro timer, to-dos, background sounds, and optional dark mode.

Superflows — A privacy-friendly AI-powered Chrome extension for Gmail that allows you to reply to emails with one click.

Meet the Tesla of Productivity Apps — Sunsama helps you create the daily planning routines and atomic habits that lead to working less each day while getting more done! Stay on track with your goals and prevent burnout. Pull in tasks from JIRA, GitHub, Email, and your other favorite tools to create one focused view for your work.   sponsor  

Konbert — An easy-to-use data converter that lets you use a web interface to convert tabular files, structured data, and databases to various output formats (JSON, MySQL, CSV, etc).

Vimkey — A Mac app or Chrome extension that allows you to reduce your reliance on the mouse and trackpad use so you can use the keyboard to control your browser, navigate, scroll, open a new page, etc.

Snipclip — Free screen recorder in the browser with no setup or install and doesn't require signups, with option to record your camera along with your screen.

Beeftext — An open-source text substitution tool (i.e. text expander or text snippet generator) for Windows, with optional portable edition.

Articles & Resources

▶ Is This The Future of Note-Taking? — A short YouTube video from former data scientists Shu Omi, where he looks at the effect GPT-3 may have on studying and writing.

The Difference Between ‘Habits’ and ‘Routines’ — An article on CNBC that looks at the research of behavioral design expert Nir Eyal who believes it's important to understand the fundamental difference between a habit and a routine.

Workshop: How to Support Mental Health in the Workplace — Supporting mental health awareness in a workplace is a challenge. Wavy, a platform that makes remote event planning easy, is hosting a free workshop March 30, for people & culture leaders, and anyone interested in facilitating mental health awareness in the workplace!   sponsor  

How to Get Out of Your Own Way at Work — A look at what you might consider the opposite of 'being in a zone' at work and what resources may help overcome the challenge.

Inventing the Digital Filing Cabinet — A historical look at the humble filing cabinet, which the author believes changed our understanding of and relationship to information.

Persistent Stress: What Every Productive Worker Needs to Know — Being productive isn't always a smooth ride, it often leads to ongoing work-related stress and risk of burnout. Some thoughts to consider even if you think you're doing well in this area.

Want to Advance Your Career? Improve These 7 Soft Skills — As the article explains, "soft skills are personal and interpersonal strengths that help you collaborate, lead, create, and grow in your role."


Have a suggestion for a productivity-related tool, article, or other resource? Send me a direct message via X (@LouisLazaris) and I’ll consider including it in a future issue.

Stay productive!


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