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Tech Productivity

Issue #214  (What We Look For in a Resume) 03/20/23

Meet the Tesla of Productivity Apps
Sunsama helps you create the daily planning routines and atomic habits that lead to working less each day while getting more done! Stay on track with your goals and prevent burnout. Pull in tasks from JIRA, GitHub, Email, and your other favorite tools to create one focused view for your work.

Claim your 14-day free trial (no card needed)
There are tons of tools and services available for taking screenshots, but don't forget the available options right inside your browser. In Chrome (or other Chromium-based browsers), there are a few different ways to take a screenshot on a page.

To see the options, open your browser's developer tools (F12), then open the command palette (CTRL/CMD-SHIFT-P) and type "screenshot". Notice the four options that show up.
Chrome Screenshots

The Capture Area Screenshot option will produce a crosshair cursor on the page that you can use to draw what part of the page you want to screenshot.
The Capture Full Size Screenshot option will instantly take a screenshot of the entire page, regardless of what's currently inside the viewport (but minus the developer tools, of course). This option is also available if you click the "Toggle device toolbar" option inside your Developer Tools (CTRL/CMD-SHIFT-M) then click the three-dots menu that appears in the top-right area next to the mobile view, allowing you to take full-size mobile screenshots.

The Capture Node Screenshot option allows you to take a screenshot of whatever HTML element is currently selected inside the "Elements" panel in your developer tools. This is a nice option for getting the exact area that are particular element comprises (e.g. a sidebar). This option can also be accessed by right-clicking any HTML element in the Elements panel.

And finally, the simple Capture Screenshot option will take whatever is currently inside the viewport on the page. This is also available when using the device toolbar for mobile testing.

One thing to note is that images outside the viewport may not yet be loaded (due to lazy-loaded images, a common performance enhancement on many websites). This means screenshot will show a blank space where an image is supposed to be.

Third-party screenshot tools likely have more options available than these simple features, but it's good to know you can take screenshots easily right inside your browser with no plugins or extensions needed.

Now on to this week's hand-picked productivity links!


Tools & Apps

Sense — A single place where all your personal and team's information is automatically organized, synced, and interconnected.

MadNotes — Browser extension that converts your new tab page to an intuitive, keyboard-friendly, and minimalist Markdown-based notepad with dark/light modes.

Meet the Tesla of Productivity Apps — Sunsama helps you create the daily planning routines and atomic habits that lead to working less each day while getting more done! Stay on track with your goals and prevent burnout. Pull in tasks from JIRA, GitHub, Email, and your other favorite tools to create one focused view for your work.   sponsor  

Pashword — A way to generate cryptographically strong passwords that don't require use of a password manager or even internet access. There's an extensive FAQ if the concept is new to you.

Teamplus — An all-in-one customizable team productivity app that includes features for setting time off, standups, team polls, and more.

Timeliness — A Google Calendar add-on that automatically schedules your tasks, tells you when to work on hem, asks you to mark them as done, and shows you your progress.

RustDesk — Remote desktop software, an open source TeamViewer alternative, that works out of the box, no configuration required, providing full control of your data, with no concerns about security.

Articles & Resources

What We Look For in a Resume — An in-depth discussion of what takes place on the other side of the hiring table. From a startup hiring infrastructure and ML engineers, but I think this information is applicable to many fields.

Keep Main Branch Green: Use a Merge Queue. — Outdated pull requests cause many issues: broken main, constant revert, and frustration… Using a merge queue allows you to queue, update, and merge each PR automatically and sequentially. Embrace both safety and velocity with Mergify!   sponsor  

3 Procrastination Tips (That Nobody Wants to Hear) — Targeted at those who suffer from chronic procrastination and there's a good bit of info under each of the suggestions given.

Your Attention Span Isn't Dead — Yet. These Tips Can Help Restore Your Ability to Focus. — Based on content from a new book by Gloria Mark, an expert who's studied the art and science of focusing.

Why Choose Process Goals? (Over Outcome-Based Goals) — An important perspective on goal-setting that focuses on goals that require continuous action, rather than the "point A to point B" type of goals.

Screw Motivation, What You Need is Discipline. — An article from 2015 that tries to dispel the myth that a particular mental or emotional state (e.g. motivation) is necessary to complete a task.

When Does the Brain Operate at Peak Performance? — An idea referred to as the critical brain hypothesis suggests that neural networks do their best work when connections are not too weak or too strong.


Have a suggestion for a productivity-related tool, article, or other resource? Send me a direct message via X (@LouisLazaris) and I’ll consider including it in a future issue.

Stay productive!


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