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Tech Productivity

Issue #211  (Review of GoLinks) 02/27/23

The following intro is a paid product review for GoLinks, a platform to create memorable and easy-to-use links to share with team members and boost productivity.

If you're working on a team at a startup or other venture, you likely find yourself going back to the same links repeatedly. Maybe you're using some kind of bookmarking service, or possibly just your web browser's built-in bookmarking, to track all your team's links.

You may even have 30 or more tabs open in any browser session, with new ones being added all the time. If this resembles your workflow, you should definitely check out GoLinks!


The GoLinks platform includes an easy-to-use dashboard and complementary browser extension that allows you to create memorable and easy-to-use go links that all registered team members have access to. Here are some examples of memorable go links you can create:
  • go/jira/45 - Link to a specific Jira ticket
  • go/slides - Link to a slide deck for a presentation
  • go/pr - Link to your team's GitHub pull requests
  • go/intro - Link to an intro doc on Google Drive
After any go link is created (either using the browser extension or directly inside your team's GoLinks dashboard), simply type the go link URL in your browser's address bar and the link will function similar to a short link service. Except unlike a short URL service, you're in full control of each of your go links. You can add, delete, and customize them as you wish – and only your team members have access to them.

The GoLinks Dashboard
The GoLinks Dashboard

In addition to adding and editing existing links, the GoLinks dashboard allows you to add tags to your go links, access recently used go links, and offers other ways to filter and organize your go links.

As mentioned, you can create a go link in your dashboard manually, or just hit the button that appears in your browser after you install and pin the extension (available for Chromium browsers and Firefox). The current page will automatically be populated into the "create go link" extension popup.
  Creating a GoLink Using the Browser Extension
Creating a go link using the browser extension

From there you can create the custom URL itself and optionally "unlist" the go link so it can be shared but isn't visible in the dashboard to the whole team.

Another cool feature is the analytics portion of your dashboard that gives insight into a number of different areas related to your team's use of different apps accessed via your team's go links.

GoLinks Analytics
GoLinks Analytics for Boosting Team Productivity and Efficiency

This insight allows you to understand better how your GoLinks are being used and where to more efficiently allocate resources. For example you can:
  • View what apps and resources your team is using the most, as well as which ones are used the least
  • Analyze how much time you've saved using your go links
  • Determine what apps and services your team isn't using, thus allowing you to cut unnecessary resources
Overall, the GoLinks service is an efficient and time-saving replacement for traditional bookmarking in the browser or even external bookmark apps you may have tried or are currently using. You save all sorts of easy-to-remember links that are searchable and usable just like regular URLs in your browser.

You can sign up for GoLinks and try out the free version, which includes unlimited go links and unlimited team members forever. A great deal, if you ask me! I'm sure you'll love how easy it is to create go links and use them everywhere in a team environment.

Now on to this week's hand-picked productivity links!


Tools & Apps

Billed — Invoicing and accounting software for small businesses that includes estimate and expense tracking, project management, recurring payments, and lots more.

Five — A to-do app for iOS that limits your current list of items to 5, to ensure you prioritize and focus on what's important.

Meco — An inbox designed for reading newsletters. Enjoy your newsletters in a space built for mindful reading while giving your inbox space to breathe. It's easy to get setup and completely free!     sponsor  

NopeCHA — Chrome or Firefox extension that uses AI to do automatic captcha recognition and solving, so you can get past captchas and 'confirm you are human' type tests faster.

SimplePDF — A privacy-friendly online PDF editor that allows you to add text, signatures, images, and more and all data stays on your device.

ThreadNotes — An app to save, sort, and schedule your favourite Twitter threads and Tweets in Notion.

Smort — A bookmarklet and iOS app that lets you easily annotate, share, save, and read articles, with built-in arXiv support.


Articles & Resources

These are the Top 5 Skills You Need to Get Hired in 2023 — These are transferable skills, not skills like programming or other specific tech expertise.

Crafting To-Do Lists That Spark Productivity and Joy — An interesting and lengthy piece from last summer that goes well with the "Five" app that I linked to above. Worth a read if you're looking for ways to optimize your to-do lists.

Forgetfulness: Why Your Mind Going Blank Can Be A Benefit — If this is true then I should be working for NASA.

Keep Main Branch Green: Use a Merge Queue. — Outdated pull requests cause many issues: broken main, constant revert, and frustration… Using a merge queue allows you to queue, update, and merge each PR automatically and sequentially. Embrace both safety and velocity with Mergify!    sponsor  

Save Time with Google Calendar Tricks — A list of 12 tips for GCal users that may help you be more productive with your use of the popular calendar solution.

Building New Productivity Habits That Stick In 3 Powerful Steps — The three steps are mindfulness, action, and perseverance, which are expanded upon in the article.

How to Improve Concentration — This looks at the factors that can affect our concentration before looking at some solutions, most of which you've probably heard before but a few might be new to you.


Have a suggestion for a productivity-related tool, article, or other resource? Send me a direct message via X (@LouisLazaris) and I’ll consider including it in a future issue.

Stay productive!


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