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Tech Productivity

Issue #2  (How to Keep Your Full-time Job) 02/25/19

A lot of people probably don't realize that many web apps have shortcut keys for common tasks and not-so-common ones too. In a lot of web apps, you can pull up the shortcut key menu by pressing SHIFT+? (the shift key plus the question mark key). Here's a portion of the menu that comes up on Gmail:

Gmail's Shortcut Menu
Part of the shortcut key menu on Gmail

As far as I know, this works on Twitter, GitHub, Google Drive, Gmail, Outlook Web, Box, and I'm sure many others that I haven't even tried. Just make sure that your cursor isn't focused in a text box or in the URL bar or something similar when you try to trigger the modal that displays the shortcut menu, otherwise it won't work.

Now on to this week's hand-picked productivity links!

Tools & Apps

Sloth - A Mac application that displays all open files and sockets in use by all running processes on your system. This makes it easy to inspect which apps are using which files and sockets.

Business Manager - Project and team management tool for freelancers and companies of all sizes. Open-source CRM to keep control of your data. Built to scale and evolve.

Startup Calculator - Get a quick impression of how profitable your startup will be and how much funding you need.

Rain Mail - Free disposable temporary email service.

Carrot - Helps leaders rise above the noise to keep teams focused.

Articles & Resources

Why I hate the weekends… - Article from 2017 with a recent Hacker news discussion (link at the bottom of the post)

Going Solo, Successfully - Tips for starting a successful consulting business that might be applicable to other areas as well.

You Don't Need to Quit Your Job to Make - How to be successful at making stuff on the side while working at your regular job full time.

The Psychological Trap of Freelancing - Why freelancing creates anxiety about money.

Google Docs gets an API for task automation - The official page for the API is found here.


Have a suggestion for a productivity-related tool, article, or other resource? Send me a direct message via X (@LouisLazaris) and I’ll consider including it in a future issue.

Stay productive!


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