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Tech Productivity

Issue #194  (2 Weeks Notice Checklist) 10/31/22

Height – Project Management That Works for the Entire Team — Centralize where decisions get made with Height — a project management tool so flexible that everyone, from design to marketing to engineering, can all track their work in the same place.

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Is there a secret to effective note-taking? No, I don't believe there is. I believe everyone's situation dictates whether note-taking is easy or difficult.

I recently came across Note-taking isn't rocket science. It's not an eloquently written piece, and it's quite short, but the basic point is that note-taking is literally just writing stuff down for later use.

But this oversimplified view doesn't apply to every form of note-taking. Some people take notes that require categorization or tagging so the notes can be found more efficiently later. Some people need their notes to be easy to study (e.g. for educational purposes). Some people need to use their notes to learn and make direct application of a set of instructions.
Rocket science

That's just a few things I can think of off the top of my head as to why people take notes. If you expand that list, it becomes much more difficult to say 'note-taking isn't rocket science' and leave it at that.

It's true, note-taking is not rocket science. But it's also not a simple game of tic-tac-toe. It's often somewhere in between those two things and the level of complexity depends on the reason for the notes being taken. I'm glad the author wrote the article. I like strong opinions and I'm glad some people find note taking easy. But not everyone has the same circumstances or reasons for note-taking.

Now on to this week's hand-picked productivity links!


Tools & Apps

Zigi — A Slack-based AI assistant for developers that examines your Jira tasks, pull request activity, and more, to learn your work habits, helping you navigate your day with minimal distractions.

Canary Mail — A simple and beautiful mobile email app (iOS, Android, Win) that delivers enterprise-grade email security, with smarter sending features, better focus, and powerful customizations.

Covertio — A cloud-based file converter that supports more than 300 file formats, with advanced options, guaranteed security, and works on all platforms.

Soundy — Listen to background sounds that help to mask annoying noises, boost your focus, or use sounds to enhance your sleep.

Linkidex — An advanced bookmarks manager that lets you organize by categories and tags, easy-to-use search, import/export, and is cross-platform.

xTiles — A personal workspace to organize your ideas and projects in a visual and flexible tile-based manner, suitable for all types of creators, writers, consultants, marketers, etc.

Height – Project Management That Works for the Entire Team — Centralize where decisions get made with Height — a project management tool so flexible that everyone, from design to marketing to engineering, can all track their work in the same place.   sponsor  

Articles & Resources

How to Find a Job That Energizes (Rather Than Drains) You — (Soft paywall) Some thoughts on how you can find work that's both financially rewarding and fulfilling.

33 Ways To Actually Sleep Well At Night — This contains just about every practical and realistic sleep recommendation you've ever heard, but here in a single place. You won't do all of these, but some will definitely help.

It’s Easy To Take It Easy… — A short read with a nice reminder that it is through conflict, not through laxness, that you grow as a person and create meaning for yourself.

2 Weeks Notice Checklist — In case you're considering leaving your current position, here's a list of things to consider before officially calling it quits.

How to Make the Most of Your 24 Hours — Some good suggestions on viewing your time as precious, especially if you feel like there's not enough time to get everything done.

Killing Time at Work — A research report from Qatalog and GitLab, to understand knowledge workers’ experience of asynchronous work, the barriers to adoption, and its growing importance in the modern workplace.

Bytes: Your Favourite JavaScript Newsletter — I subscribe to a lot of newsletters, but this is definitely one I look forward to. Entertaining with lots of cool and useful coding tidbits and tools.    sponsor  


Have a suggestion for a productivity-related tool, article, or other resource? Send me a direct message via X (@LouisLazaris) and I’ll consider including it in a future issue.

Stay productive!


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