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Tech Productivity

Issue #190  (The Hybrid Work & Meetings Guide) 10/03/22

Uncover All Sorts of Insider Secrets for Your Phone — Ready to save time and work smarter? Check out the new Android Shortcut Supercourse. It's a free e-course that'll teach you all sorts of efficiency-enhancing magic. No cost, no catch — just pure productivity-boosting intelligence, from veteran tech journalist JR Raphael to you.

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Finale To Do
Back in July 2021, a consulting company called Focus released The Hybrid Work & Hybrid Meetings Guide, which you can also grab as a PDF. It's been well over a year since this guide was shared but it's fascinating to read the different suggestions through the lens of 2022 (almost 2023!) and determine if the tips are as relevant.

Certainly there are more remote workers now compared to three years ago, and many more hybrid workplaces as well. Thus, much of the guide will still be applicable. More than a year ago, I'd definitely view most of the topics discussed in the guide as crucial to a successful hybrid workplace environment.
Remote work with a pet dog

But things are definitely a lot more open and 'back to normal' than they were around the time the guide was released. Maybe now the expectations are a little different.

Check it out for yourself and if you're in a hybrid environment with your team, and you expect that to go on for the foreseeable future, then you might find some good suggestions you can apply to your workplace.

Now on to this week's hand-picked productivity links!


Tools & Apps

Homerow — Mac app that allows you to navigate everything on your Mac using keyboard shortcuts that appear on the screen.

Briefkasten — A self-hosted bookmarking application that works with any Prisma-compatible database (MySQL, Postgres, SQLite, etc). Links can be saved via the accompanying browser extension.

Madhur AI — Listen to your docs, PDFs, EPUBs, and Word files with a natural AI text to speech reader.

Clay — A contacts app designed from the ground up to help you deepen relationships by serving as a sort of address book and social network all in one.

Spot — An alternative to video meeting apps that has a mobile-first toolset to help create a culture of 'walking meetings' to impact wellness, productivity, and employee satisfaction.

LetterInbox — A dedicated email client for newsletters, designed to create a better reading experience, with categories, collections, and more.

Uncover All Sorts of Insider Secrets for Your Phone — Ready to save time and work smarter? Check out the new Android Shortcut Supercourse. It's a free e-course that'll teach you all sorts of efficiency-enhancing magic. No cost, no catch — just pure productivity-boosting intelligence, from veteran tech journalist JR Raphael to you.   sponsor  

Articles & Resources

Time is Elastic — A nice short reminder that 'finding the extra hour in the day', as some advocate for, isn't always the solution we're looking for.

On Workplace Productivity — A push for a better and more holistic analysis of workplace productivity, which includes satisfaction, well-being, performance, activity, communication, collaboration, efficiency, and flow.

The Practical Application of "Rocks, Pebbles, Sand" — If you've never heard the geology-in-a-jar lesson on priorities, this is worth a read just for the illustrations at the beginning that make the point clear.

▶ The Science of Setting & Achieving Goals — If you're up for a long listen/watch, this episode from the Huberman Lab Podcast comes in at just under two hours and covers science-based suggestions on achieving more.

Microbreaks Can Increase Your Well-Being, But Only If You Do These Types of Activities, Experts Say — Interestingly, these study findings show that breaks that involve physical exercise and other non-work related tasks had higher levels of emotional improvement.

The Most Successful People Are Always ‘Sharpening Their Memory Power,’ Says Brain Expert—Here’s How — The method is encapsulated in the acronym CODE: Capture, Organize, Distill, Express.


Have a suggestion for a productivity-related tool, article, or other resource? Send me a direct message via X (@LouisLazaris) and I’ll consider including it in a future issue.

Stay productive!


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