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Tech Productivity

Issue #187  (How to Recover from Work Stress) 09/12/22

hypernovaOS Will 10x Your Productivity
A blazingly fast app launcher that lets you easily work across any cloud and local app. Integrate your favorite apps and jump into workflows without context switching. Loved by the most productive people at Microsoft and Doordash.

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While Twitter has become a controversial platform, you may at times need to do some research to find a specific Tweet to include in a writing project, a presentation, or elsewhere. Firstly, Twitter does have an advanced search page where you can track down specific Tweets based on account, keywords, key phrases, date, hashtags, and so on. That page in itself usually has what you want to find most Tweets.
Twitter's advanced search page

But if you want a little more fuel for really narrowing things down, you'll want to bookmark Advanced Search on Twitter, a GitHub repository by Igor Brigadir that seems to be an exhaustive guide to using Twitter's advanced search algorithm. Igor's guide is compiled from a few other sources that he credits.

Now on to this week's hand-picked productivity links!

Tools & Apps

Zen Mode — A macOS app that lets you enter 'zen mode' in a single click, so you can hide apps, sounds, etc., for presentations, focus, privacy, etc. — An online tool to automatically convert US spelling to international, and vice versa (e.g. color vs. colour). Useful if you do a lot of writing in both styles but don't want to make the corrections manually.

Wavebox — A web browser designed for work and productivity with features like tidy tabs, multi-account sign-in, unified search, flexible workspaces, and more.

sunsama — A daily planner to organize everything you need to do today (e.g. tasks, meetings, emails) in a single place.

DokioCRM — An open-source cross-platform CRM for small businesses to manage your customers, sales, and finances, while providing full analytics of your company's progress.

ERA — A privacy-friendly markdown note-taking tool for developers, for macOS, Windows, and Linux, to create and organize notes and documentation.

hypernovaOS Will 10x Your Productivity — A blazingly fast app launcher that lets you easily work across any cloud and local app. Integrate your favorite apps and jump into workflows without context switching. Loved by the most productive people at Microsoft and Doordash.   sponsor  

Articles & Resources

Your Phone’s Notification Settings and the Meaning of Life — Some really interesting thoughts about phone notifications and how they affect our productivity, including some comments on studies that have been done with those willing to silence their phones.

How Much Do Small, Daily Purchases Really Affect Your Long-Term Finances? — A good brief article on spending habits. Debt is often blamed on that daily iced coffee you must have. But as this points out, our financial stability depends on things much deeper than that.

How to Recover from Work Stress, According to Science — A look at “recovery paradox”, the idea that we are less likely to do something about our stress when we are in most need of the recovery, with five research-backed strategies to fix the problem.

Synthesis of Over 50 Meta-Analyses Examines Link Between Big Five Personality and Performance — In case this is new to you, the "Big Five" are: openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism.

Switchboard — This is a dashboard of “switching guides”, exploring in detail the reasons why you may want to switch from one productivity tool to another and why you should consider sticking to your current tool.

Automate the Boring Parts of Your Job — If you've ever wanted to automate more things in your work but haven't been motivated to do so, this post on the Stack Overflow blog may be the right inspiration.


Have a suggestion for a productivity-related tool, article, or other resource? Send me a direct message via X (@LouisLazaris) and I’ll consider including it in a future issue.

Stay productive!


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