Issue #126 (Efficiency is the Enemy) 07/12/21
I'm pretty sure I've shared a similar thread in a previous issue but if you're looking for a new chair for your desk, you might want to check out this Hacker News thread from the past month where a user asks about the best option for someone who's had "no luck" finding a good chair in the past few years.
I'm a complete dunce when it comes to office chairs so I'll just list the top answers here with links to the official websites:
As you can imagine, all these options are pricey. But, as they say, you get what you pay for.
The thread also includes some other practical suggestions that don't necessarily involve purchasing a new chair. And probably the funniest answer is the person who recommended a lawn chair! But hey, don't knock it if you don't try it, right? 😃
Now on to this week's hand-picked productivity links!