ARTSEY - A one-handed keyboard system using 8 keys in a 2x4 layout. The system is designed to be easy to learn, comfortable to use, and fast enough for practical use.
Convert Case - A quick online tool to convert text to various case formats (title case, sentence case, lowercase, etc.) and also includes a slew of other text-related tools.
Button - A Chrome extension to add a one-click view to Google Calendar, to see your daily schedule and join meetings with one button.
Typisty - A text expander service that lets you save snippets for faster typing. First 10 snippets are free.
Underlist - A simple list app for iOS and Mac, with split view, a widgets feature, and more.
TLDR Newsletter - Byte Sized News for Busy Techies - TLDR is a free daily newsletter with links and TLDRs of the most interesting stories in tech 📱, science 🚀, and coding 💻!