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Tech Productivity

Issue #125  (Setting a Schedule Decreases Productivity) 07/05/21

This past weekend was a holiday weekend for those of you in Canada and the United States, and I'm also currently out of town for a small vacation myself.

Hopefully when you get back to work, your office doesn't look like this one...

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I'm working temporarily on another computer myself, so the productivity level isn't quite where I want it. Sometimes working while away from your usual workspace can make the work twice as hard to do. Not ideal. Maybe it's always best to keep vacations and work separate as a way to overcome that.

Now on to this week's hand-picked productivity links!

Tools & Apps

ARTSEY - A one-handed keyboard system using 8 keys in a 2x4 layout. The system is designed to be easy to learn, comfortable to use, and fast enough for practical use.

Convert Case - A quick online tool to convert text to various case formats (title case, sentence case, lowercase, etc.) and also includes a slew of other text-related tools.

Button - A Chrome extension to add a one-click view to Google Calendar, to see your daily schedule and join meetings with one button.

Typisty - A text expander service that lets you save snippets for faster typing. First 10 snippets are free.

Underlist - A simple list app for iOS and Mac, with split view, a widgets feature, and more.

TLDR Newsletter - Byte Sized News for Busy Techies - TLDR is a free daily newsletter with links and TLDRs of the most interesting stories in tech 📱, science 🚀, and coding 💻!   sponsored  

Articles & Resources

How to Get Yourself to Do Things - Good discussion of a simple problem often caused by anxiety, fear, procrastination, etc.

How to Think Clearly - By learning to question and clarify your thoughts, you’ll improve your self-knowledge and become a better communicator.

How Setting a Schedule Can Make You Less Productive - Now that's a new perspective. Can scheduling sometimes backfire? Might be some validity here.

Bosses Still Aren’t Sure Remote Workers Have ‘Hustle’ - This one's behind a paywall (WSJ), but if you have a subscription I think it's worth a read as it covers a topic that's been a hot-button issue of late.

Did You Get My Slack/Email/Text? - The communication norms for in-person work were established and now we have a new set of 'norms' to establish.


Have a suggestion for a productivity-related tool, article, or other resource? Send me a direct message via X (@LouisLazaris) and I’ll consider including it in a future issue.

Stay productive!


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