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Tech Productivity

Issue #110  (Should I Quit Video Games?) 03/22/21

Definitely a question asked out of desperation is this one posed on Super User: How can I pull back an email that has already been sent?

Although the basic answer is "no", there are some good tips in the discussion about apps that do allow a small window where you can cancel an email send. There's also some technical discussion about why this isn't really possible outside of the small no-send window, if you find that sort of thing interesting.

Girl regrets sending an email

Interestingly, there is one possible solution even if you've passed that window, as suggested by another user:

After it was sent, probably in no way, but the administrator of the receiving server (who manages the mailbox of the e-mail address of the wrong recipient), could still physically delete the mail from the server before it is accessed. It is a question of time and opportunity.

Pretty crazy but that might be your only option if you're really desperate.

Now on to this week's hand-picked productivity links!

Tools & Apps

OneHash - Supercharge your sales with the best CRM for startups. Get pipeline view, calling, lead management, email automation, and more.

Hugo - A tool for better meetings through centralized, actionable notes – connected to your work apps. Free for up to 10 users.

3outcomes - A task manager to focus on what matters most. It filters what shouldn't be done at all so you can achieve goals faster.

VoiceText - A Slack plugin to send voice messages with text transcribed directly in Slack.

Omni Calculator - 1,684 free online calculators. Seems ridiculous but many of these are actually quite useful and not just a bunch of scientific calculators.

Jamf Now - A device management solution for your team's Apple devices at work. We make management tasks simple and affordable, so you can support your users; no IT required. Manage 3 devices free now!     sponsored  

Articles & Resources

Email is Good - This is a little-known side project by Chris Coyier of CSS-Tricks fame, it's a blog that's purely about email productivity.

WFH is Corroding Our Trust in Each Other - No surprise that this is becoming a problem. Some of the reasons are discussed here along with some rational solutions.

How To Read More Books - Modern life can feel too frantic for books. Use these habit-building strategies to carve out time for the joy of reading.

Team Improvement Techniques - David Caulfield, as a team lead, has identified some methods to gather improvement ideas that can be applied to any team.

Should I Quit Video Games? - Might be a controversial post to some, but I'm all for this if it's going to help your productivity and overall happiness.


Have a suggestion for a productivity-related tool, article, or other resource? Send me a direct message via X (@LouisLazaris) and I’ll consider including it in a future issue.

Stay productive!


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