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Tech Productivity

Issue #11  (Slack is Not Where Deep Work Happens) 04/29/19

Interesting question asked on Hacker News: Do Udacity nanodegrees get anyone a job without academic background?

A great question, especially because these "nanodegrees" can be fairly easy and cheap to obtain. Some feel it's best to not even mention on a resume that you have such a degree and merely go with the actual technical knowledge. I think that makes a lot of sense.

There are lots of things in my current resume that I have never learned in a formal setting, nor have I even used in a professional environment, but I'd feel technically adept at doing them anyhow. So I'd be comfortable listing those as skills without mentioning necessarily how I learned them. If it comes up, I wouldn't shy away from telling the truth, but it might not be something I'd want to bring up on my own.

That being said, here's another take from one answer in the thread:

"I find it impressive when I see applicants that have completed online courses. It takes a lot of discipline to self study."

Very true, so that's another factor to consider.

Now on to this week's hand-picked productivity links!

Tools & Apps

Office Hours - A scheduling app that, in real time, easily lets your network know that you’re free to accept calls. And lets you easily find out who in your network is free to accept a call from you.

Angstrom - Project management for solo-founders, indie hackers and digital nomads.

Docsumo - Automate document data extraction and validation. Save time and money by eliminating data entry and manual steps by 95%.

Sidedoor - Job/recruitment platform that lets you skip recruiters and talk directly to engineers at top tech companies and get referred.

Readsmart - Manage and revisit all your Kindle reader highlights in one place.

Articles & Resources

Need for Sleep: the Impact of a Night of Sleep Deprivation on Novice Developers' Performance - Study from Cornell to investigate whether, and to what extent, sleep deprivation impacts the performance of novice software developers using the agile practice of test-first development.

People Who Claim to Work 75-Hour Weeks Usually Only Work About 50 Hours - Apparently this is based on people's false estimations and the fact that sometimes people lie or exaggerate (or omit) to make themselves look better.

I Can't Do Anything for Fun Anymore; Every Hobby Is an Attempt to Make Money - Dave Bennett discusses the trap that we probably all feel, that many of our pastimes are there for monetary gain rather than enjoyment.

Slack Is Not Where 'Deep Work' Happens - TL;DR being distraction-free is better for the stuff that's more mentally demanding.

Great developers are raised, not hired - "Someone has to take a raw diamond that looks like a regular stone, cut it, polish it and voila – you have a beautiful shiny diamond."


Have a suggestion for a productivity-related tool, article, or other resource? Send me a direct message via X (@LouisLazaris) and I’ll consider including it in a future issue.

Stay productive!


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