Issue #105 (Naps Linked to Improved Cognitive Function) 02/15/21
If you run a startup or freelance business, one thing you like to see is one of your social media posts going viral, driving you more business leads and opportunities.
An interesting thread on Twitter by Trevor McKendrick examines What gets a tweet retweeted. He shows examples in 10 categories of tweets.
While I do think there's some value in what he's demonstrating in this thread, you should take it with a grain of salt. Most of the accounts that tweeted these things are from blue checkmarks and others with tens of thousands of followers. Still, a good thread if you want suggestions on stuff people will like and share.
Now on to this week's hand-picked productivity links!
Nirvana.Work - Automated project management as an alternative to and improvement on regular issue trackers.
Loud Reader - An online e-book reader that can read EPUB, AZW3, MOBI, or PDF files. Just drag and drop a file.
TimeTagger - An open source time-tracker with a simple interactive user experience, and powerful reporting.
Weet - Record and share videos instantly. Record video with your screen, webcam, or both, and let others respond in their own time.
Partizion - Chrome extension. Organize, find, and manage your tabs (and work) in the browser.
Wynter Research Panels - Want to give back to the community while having a low-key side hustle ($90-$180/hr) to fund your habit? Wynter is looking for people to join its research panel. Take industry surveys, be compensated every time you do it. Takes ~10-15 min to be part of one test, low-key time commitment. sponsored
Have a suggestion for a productivity-related tool, article, or other resource? Send me a direct message via X (@LouisLazaris) and I’ll consider including it in a future issue.
Stay productive!