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Tech Productivity

Issue #102  (Unconventional Ways to Build Focus) 01/25/21

A Hacker News reader asks readers to share their one-person online business success stories.

One-Person Business

If you're looking to move from the full-time 9-5 thing to running something on your own, you'll find much inspiration here.

Examples shared include:
  • A React codebase generator
  • A last-minute eBay bids business
  • A fully automated UV unwrapping tool
  • A tool that helps you read faster on a screen
Lots more in the thread, including discussion with the various owners of the businesses.
Now on to this week's hand-picked productivity links!

Tools & Apps

Keepup - Get daily/weekly/monthly email digests of the most retweeted and favorited tweets in your network of Twitter followers.

ySendit - Share files of any size without restrictions or need to register. Files are stored encrypted and can be directly previewed on the download page.

Kbee - Use Google Drive as a knowledge base, wiki, help center, etc. Turn your content into a fast, searchable space for you, your team, or your customers. - Time zone differences made easy. Invite people, see their time, and plan calls or meetings for a time that's good for everyone.

Music Time for Spotify - A VS Code extension that discovers the most productive music to listen to as you code.

Articles & Resources

100 Tips for a Better Life - This is a random categorized list of tips covering about just about everything you'd want.

What is Missing from Your Plan for the Day? - Jean Moroney recommends taking 15 minutes each day to review your calendar, consider your priorities, etc.

How Time Management Becomes Time Maximization - Ryan Deiss used to have blocks of time that he couldn't account for. He shares how he maximizes his time instead of "managing" it.

Work Less, Gain More? The 4 Day Working Week - A 2019 article on the four-day work week which, at the time this was written, was starting to become more common.

6 Unconventional Ways to Build Focus, Resilience, and Calm in 2021 - Some great suggestions from Jory MacKay of the RescueTime blog, based on the team's research.


Have a suggestion for a productivity-related tool, article, or other resource? Send me a direct message via X (@LouisLazaris) and I’ll consider including it in a future issue.

Stay productive!


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