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Tech Productivity

Issue #101  (How To Overcome Phone Addiction) 01/18/21

Here's a cool tip that hit the front page of Reddit a few months back: If you replace the "en" on English Wikipedia with the word "simple" in the URL, it pulls up a less complicated version of an article, sort of like an instant ELI5 ("explain it like I'm five").

Simple English Wikipedia

Of course, this only works if there is a simple English version of the article. As one user points out, and as the image above shows, instead of switching the URL, you can also check the "Languages" list that appears on the left side of the layout. "Simple English" will appear in the list if the current article is available in that format.

Nice tip, might be useful for some research projects.

Now on to this week's hand-picked productivity links!

Tools & Apps

TabFS - Chrome extension (with some Firefox support) that mounts your browser tabs as a file system on your computer.

Tack - Efficient and effortless time tracking app built to manage your team and projects on the go.

Diskitude - Windows app that helps you figure out what's taking up space on your hard drive. Intuitive interface allows you to easily explore and prune your file system. - Manage your bookmarks using GitHub Gists as the data back end (i.e. each Gist is a "collection").

Spaces - A shared online workspace to help you collaborate with others while working remotely, tutoring, or for class projects.

Preflect Surveys - Websites of all types use Preflect to create fast on-site surveys. Learn more about your visitors, optimize for conversion, and create better user experiences with Preflect. Install now for free!     promoted  

Articles & Resources

How to Overcome Phone Addiction [Solutions + Research] - Studies show that excessive phone use is linked to procrastination, poor sleep, headaches, lower productivity, unstable relationships, poor mental health, etc.

Why You Should Hate Your Job - John Danaher believes work offers us a second-rate forum for self-improvement, ambition, mastering skills, achieving goals, and so forth. Some good points here, but ultimately we need to pay our bills so...

Benefits of Walking [For Anyone] - There's been lots of research that shows that walking brings a huge advantage to humans, both physically and mentally.

A Meta-Layer for Notes - Originally a review of Hey (the new email platform) but sprouted from Hey's fresh approach and morphing into an idea for a radically new kind of note taking app.

Negativity Bias: How Negative Experiences Cloud Our Judgement - In general, negative events have a bigger impact on our mental state than positive ones.


Have a suggestion for a productivity-related tool, article, or other resource? Send me a direct message via X (@LouisLazaris) and I’ll consider including it in a future issue.

Stay productive!


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