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Tech Productivity

Issue #100  (Subtle Job Interview Red Flags) 01/11/21

Believe it or not, there was a pretty cool thread on Reddit a couple of days ago that had nothing to do with politics and was pretty highly upvoted:

What are subtle red flags at a job interview that say "working here would suck"?

Red Flag

Some of the red flags that caught my eye:

  • Playing down overtime while unofficially requiring it
  • Asking what clients you can bring with you
  • Interviewers who say "Lots of people are waiting in line to work here, count yourself lucky."
  • Informing you that "You need to purchase your uniform from us."
  • Saying "You'll be wearing many hats."

I'm sure you'll find others in there that will help if you're currently in a job search, along with some humorous ones that are hard to believe.

Now on to this week's hand-picked productivity links!

Tools & Apps

Leet Resumes - Great technical resumes written for free. For technology professionals with 2+ years experience, working in US and Canada.

Tuchu - Upload a PDF and this app uses AI to highlight the important parts of the text. Seems to work relatively well, but you'll have to be the judge on its accuracy.

Unclack - A small Mac utility that mutes your microphone while you type. No more getting called out for "clacking" through a Zoom meeting.

monote - Lets you bookmark products to find them again later. Organize your products in different collections and make smarter purchase decisions.

TiddlyWiki - A unique non-linear notebook for capturing, organizing and sharing complex information.

Articles & Resources

How to Stop Endless Discussions - The suggestions here are based on use of the well-known process called Request For Comments (RFC).

Working From Bed is Actually Great - I'm not sure I agree with this advice, but I'm more than happy to present an opposing view. Some interesting thoughts here.

No Meetings, No Deadlines, No Full-Time Employees - The story of Gumroad from its founder, with some inspiring facts on how its work culture has evolved.

Johnny.Decimal - A system to organize projects that somewhat mimics what we used to do with paper documents in filing cabinets, rather than messy digital storage.

We’re Optimizing Ourselves to Death - From early 2019, which seems like an eternity ago, with some unique thoughts on why optimization isn't always what it's cracked up to be.


Have a suggestion for a productivity-related tool, article, or other resource? Send me a direct message via X (@LouisLazaris) and I’ll consider including it in a future issue.

Stay productive!


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